1. Source of Asset (SA) An asset account increase and a corresponding claims (liabilities or owners equity) account increase . Example: 1. Purchase of supplies on account. 2. Sold goods on cash on delivery basis.
2. Exchange of Asset (EA) One asset account increase and others asset account decrease. Example: Acquired for cash.
3. Use of Assets (AU) An asset accounts decrease and a corresponding claims (liabilities or equity) accounts decrease . Example: 1. Settled accounts payable; 2. Paid salaries of employees.
4. Exchange of Claims (EC) One claims (liabilities or owners equity) accounts increase and another claims (liabilities or owners equity) account decrease. Example: Received utilities bill but did not pay.
Every accountable events has a dual but self balance effect on the accounting equation. recognizing these events will not in any manner affect the quality of basic accounting model.
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